Dog Funnies

Funny, cute, inspirational and heartwarming dog pics, videos and jokes. Dogs never cease to amaze us, make us smile, laugh and marvel at their wonderful spirits. Enjoy and share the fun.

Funny Pics - Dogs & Food

Never underestimate how much dogs love food and what they are prepared to do to get some. I love these funny pics of dogs and their love of food.

Mudd the Dog on a Trampoline
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Possibly the best dog on a trampoline video clip ever. Mudd the dog is having a great time and doing impressive stunts on the trampoline.

Man's Best Friend

Inspirational dog pics - A selection of gorgeous dog images that show us just how much dog really is man's best friend.

Squirrel Adopted by Papillon

Cute dog pics - Squirrel Adopted by Papillon. Finnegan the squirrel and his new litter mates, five Papillion pups, get along together.

Adam and Eve's Pets
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Dog Funny Joke - Adam and Eve's Pets. I have created this new animal. His name will be a reflection of my own name, and you will call him DOG.'

Talking Dog For Sale

Dog Joke - Talking Dog For Sale. A guy is driving around when he sees a sign in front of a house 'Talking Dog For Sale'.

Dogs Home Alone

Funny dog pics - A selection of funny dog pics showing dogs home alone. The caption for most of these could be "Oh You're Home" lol.

Why We Need Pets

Funny and cute dog pics - Why We Need Pets. A gorgeous and funny look at how our pets enrich our lives and make us smile and also laugh.

Funny Dog Pics

Funny dog pics. A selection of funny dog pics and photos showing the funny side of dogs and dog ownership. Laugh out loud dog humour.

Pet Rules

Dog Funny Joke - Pet Rules. To be posted very low on the refrigerator door - nose height. Dear Dogs and Cats.

Medical Test

As we get older our doctors recommend that we have tests run more often. These tests save you time and money.

Get A Dog

Dog Funny Joke - Get a Dog. How to choose a companion, be it a dog or something else. Compare the merits of a dog and choose wisely.

Life Lessons From Dogs

Cute dog pics and quotes. Life lessons from dogs. A lovely look at what we can learn from our friend the dog.

Inside A Dog's Mind

Dog Funny Joke - Inside a Dog's Mind. Ever wondered what your dog is thinking and why he does what he does? Wonder no more.

The Dachshund and Pink the Pig
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Cute dog pics - The Dachshund and Pink the Pig. This Dachshund is fostering this little pig for another mom who couldn't take care of him.

Flying Granny

Funny dog video. Never throw a ball for a dog that is larger than you when it is still on it's lead. You are sure to go flying.

Funny Dog and Cat Pics
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Funny dog and cat pics. A selection of funny and cute dog and cat images showing the funny and cute side of dogs and cats together.

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