This was a complete win with my 12-week old retriever puppy, who was previously play-biting every bit of moving human flesh. It transformed our: "please play-bite this instead" training. Highly recommended - she still loves it and we still keep it to hand for human-play-biting emergencies, although these have pretty much stopped after she spent 4 days with a v lively and friendly 1-year old border terrier. At 15 weeks play biting is under control, and whether it's thanks to this toy or the terrier, I don't now, but I mention it in case anyone is desperately wondering when the razor sharp puppy-teeth-play-biting is going to end - it ends really quickly: you just need this toy, a 1-year old border terrier, and the arrival of adult teeth. For us that was 3 weeks in total: she's now really calm, hand-scratches has all but healed, and she is a complete delight: this will probably always be my favourite of her toys for that reason!