Highchair For Dog With Enlarged Oesophagus
16 July 2013

In the Youtube description her owners explain: "This is our cute dog Bella. She was diagnosed with congenital megaesophagus soon after we found her at 4 months old. Megaesophagus means that her esophagus is enlarged and lacks the muscle mobility to swallow food while horizontal. This is her "Baileys Chair," which she needs sit in while eating and for 10 minutes after she eats. She eats soft dog food with a little water mixed in. She is now seven months old and doing great!"
Wonderful. Well done to Bella's lovely humans for taking such good care of her extra special feeding needs and bon appétit Bella.
For more info on canine Megaesophagus and these special upright highchairs for dogs, visit Megaesophagus and The Bailey Chair.
A lot of people ask me when they can get a Bailey chair in the UK. This Facebook page Bailey Chairs for Dogs UK make them but there is a waiting list. You can contact them via Facebook.
where can I buy a bailey chair for my dog
Please see the link above the video for further info.
i need a bailey chair for my great dane girl - aged 7
we have a border collie who has the megaesophagus throat.so need a high chair for feeding.
I work inarescue in South West France. We have a dog who is in quite a statte and has been diagnosed with mega oesophagus.We would like toget him achair. How can we proceed?
My 9 year old mini labradoodle has just been diagnosed, she has lost a lot of weight. The vcouldn't believe she has gone undiagnosed for so long
Need a chair for my labrador a medium size 26kg 10 year old newly diagnosed with mega eosopagus
I have a beautiful 8-year old Golden Retriever, 31 kg, just diagnosed with megaoesophagus. Happy to be hand fed and held for whatever time it takes. Doing really well so far. Anyone know of a suitable chair for long term management?
Hi. I would like some information on how to purchase a Bailey chair for my dog Misha. She has Megaesophagus. She’s a 5 year old Siberian Husky. Thank you
I had a Baileys Chair made for my Lab, it is available to collect. Based in North West England, drop me a message if needed
Could you please tell me where to order a bailey chair
What area are you in I have a bailey chair available please email me
Hi My Boxer has been diagnosed with megaoesphagus can you tell me please if your chair is still available 🙏🏻
looking for a Bailey chair for a golden retriever. Can you help?
My dachshund has this and getting worse
I was wondering if you could give me some uk suppliers of Bailey chairs for a Dogue de Bordeaux. Lola has just been diagnosed with Mega Esophagus and we would like to purchase one for her
Kind regards
Please see the link above the video for further info. I hope you manage to find one for Lola.
We can make Bailey chairs https://www.facebook.com/BaileychairsUK
Our 13week GSD diagnosed with ME this week. Need an adjustable chair to ‘grow’ with her if possible?
Hi Amy. Do you still make these? I couldn't find you on FB. Thx
Hello we have a French bulldog his name is stitch he is 2.5yrs old and we need a Bailey chair for him
We need a feeding chair for a great dane please! Can you help us? Please!
Hi our dog just died :( I can give her feeding chair if you are interested my no 07977500439 Thank you
Sorry, we are nothing to do with the Bailey chair but the link above the video (scroll back up) should help.
I am looking for a chair in the uk desperately.
Its for a golden retriever.
my dad can't make one as he is ill with cancer. the states won't send one either. can anyone help?
My 2year old boxer"Roxy" has been diagnosed with megaosophagus and needs a chair urgently,I am based in Chelmsford and would appreciate any help in requiring one urgently.
Thanks in advance
Hi Bill
If you find somewhere that sells these can you please let me know. I am also based in Chelmsford and my Lowchen pup who is only 10 weeks old has been diagnosed with this today.
Hi Sarah
Did you find somewhere that sells Bailey chair. My dog Emmy just been diagnosed.
Middle size dog megaesophadus sick pet. Beed price and sizes prices.
I'm sorry but we don't sell this item.
High I need a bailey chair for my king Charles spaniel. Please please help. She has just been diagnosed and she is 3 years old. Vet said her prognosis is poor. Please someone help us. Thank you
Hi, did u manage to find a Bailey chair?
Hi all. I came across A advert in my local paper,looking for A Bailey chair. im going to make one. I will starting making them to sell via Paypal, I will make a facebook page called: BAILEY CHAIRS UK..... Once i have worked costs for materials. keep an eye on facebook for when im and running,will be happy to help your doggies
We have a beloved JRT who is struggling with this illness. Please can you help.
I have a Facebook page: Bailey chairs for dogs UK
james i am 70 and i need a baileys chair for my great dane girl aged 7 - i am not computer savvy and cannot navigate on facebook - how can i get one?
I have a dog ,German wire haired pointer who has megasophagus as a result of PRAA.we got her at 4 months, and she's now 26 months.There's an American megasophagus site which is brilliant and very supportive. I dont know anyone else in the Uk with a megasophagus dog , and my vet is lovely but knows very little about it. I managed to get a Bailey chair and never give her water, but soak her food (Arcana )in double amount water overnight and feed her with a spatula and give her pots of jelly water(gelatine) which I make in 240g pots.I've got her feeding down from 4 times a day to twice. Also no treats. She's beautiful and otherwise very healthy. It's so upsetting and difficult at the beginning and I'm sure we'll have more ups and downs, but it's worth it. Do check the American forum.
Hello Mandy
My parents' Irish Setter is suffering with this condition. They live in the West Midlands. Where did you source your Bailey Chair from please? I will share your post with them as I think they would be interested to read about the gelatine option. Hope your dog is doing well despite the condition.
Can you please tell me where I can buy a Bailey chair for my Golden Retriever,
Hi Clive
Did you find a Bailey Chair supplier? My parents' Irish Setter is in need of one too.
Just seen one made to measure on ebay. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bailey-Chair-for-dogs-with-Megaesophagus-made-to-measure-/322484436625?hash=item4b1591fe91:g:1qwAAOSwRUhY8kGQ
Hi I'm from the UK we found out our dog at 12 weeks has megaesophagus we couldn't find a bailey chair anywhere so got a local carpenter to make her one she now 18 weeks old and doing fab not recurriated her food once its saved her life she now gets in chair herself.
My son bought a Labrador puppy for his kids..and him...however after extensive tests he was found to be suffering from easphogeous for dogs. He's only 4 months old. We now need a Bailey chair for when he's bigger or alternative. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you
Where can I get a bailey chair or eq for a french Bulldog?
Please help my lassa he’s nearly 4ittook vet all this time to finally found out he’s got the disease he needs a Bailey chair as he won’t eat can’t even get food down him can you please help because I’m disabled my daughter wonts him put to sleep or to give him away I love him so much I live alone he such a loving dog please can you help as if I can’t get food down him he will die I just want a chance for him
Where can I get a bailey highchair for my dog he needs it
I have a bailey chair what area u in email me
I have a bailey chair if anyone needs one
Can I ask where you got your baileys chair?
My dog is newing one
I have two high chairs that need good homes email me
I have a chair west midlands
I had a Baileys Chair made for my Lab, it is available if anyone needs. Based in North West England, drop me a message
I run a Facebook group, Dog Walking North West England, and we have a member enquiring where to obtain a Bailey chair for his labrador. Any assistance would be much appreciated
The link to the Facebook page doesn't work
Where can I get a Bailey chair please for a mini daschund...
We have an imperial shih tzu who has to be fed upright and was wondering how much it would cost to have a Bailey dog chair made for her.
She is a special dog who has gastroesophageal reflux disease and chronic enteropathy. She needs feeding upright and weights 3.5kg.
What would you recommend for her. She is 5 years old and a small dog.
Kind regards
Roberto Amato