Jumping Dog Funnies

funny dog jumpingIt's finally spring and jumping dogs are in the air. Let's have some jumping dog funnies. There is nothing like a good jump, bounce or um... well it doesn't always go to plan, as you will see.

Lets start with some amazing dog jumping and bouncing. Boy, these dogs are having fun.

There's jumping in the lovely field of tall corn and the amazing pile of leaves, loads of different animals enjoying nothing better than a good old bounce on a trampoline and the dog who loves to fly from sofa to sofa while his mates watch in awe. Catch me if you can!

They make it look so easy don't they. But as we mentioned, it doesn't always go to plan. Just ask this first little dog, Snoopy. Commenting on his epic fail he said "at least I tried". Very true Snoopy. Better to have tried and failed than never to have tried at all wink