Burying Your Dog at Home


The death of a beloved pet is an upsetting and emotional time. But because it is something we all know, as dog owners, that we will have to face at some stage, I wanted to do a series of bereavement articles discussing topics like when to say goodbye, euthanasia and pet burial. In this article we will discuss pet burial at home.

home pet burial

If you would like to bury your dog at home, you may be wondering if home pet burial is legal, how to be sure of death, how to prepare your dog's body, what specifications the grave should meet such as grave depth, what to bury your dog in (do you need a coffin?) and whether to show the body to your other pets? With so many important questions arising at this time, we hope this article helps answer some of those concerns.

Home pet burial vs cremation

Pet home burials are still popular despite an increase in pet cremations. Home burials are private, personal and less expensive than other alternatives.

Although the popularity of pet cremations has increased in recent years, it isn’t for everyone. Some recent stories in the media of people abusing the trust put in them must have put many people off pet cremation. Apart from the horror stories, pet cremation has other pitfalls that you need to be aware of such as individual versus communal cremation. Communal cremation is common. Always assume the cremation of your pet will be communal unless told otherwise.

Do you really get your own pet’s ashes back? Was your pet even cremated or simply dumped somewhere while the fee was pocketed? The intricacies and pitfalls of pet cremation are many. It is not like human cremation. It doesn’t seem to be regulated… but that is a whole other article.

Preparing for the burial

In this article and video we will discuss everything you need to know about preparing your dog's body after death, the legalities of pet home burial, digging your dog's grave and burying your pet at home.

But first, there are some things you may want to do in advance of the burial. Mementos and keepsakes are very comforting to have and cherish after your dog has passed away.

Think about whether you would like a print of their paw, a snip of their fur etc. There are so many beautiful memorial pieces you can buy to remember your beloved pet, from crystal photo cubes to jewellery featuring their paw print or containing fur or ashes.

Burying your dog at home

Can you bury your pet at home? Is it legal to bury your dog in your garden? How can you be certain your pet has passed away? How should you prepare their body? What can you bury your pet in? Where should the grave site be? How deep should your pet's grave be? 

Let’s talk about performing a home burial for your dog. If you want to bury your dog at home, here are some things to be aware of.

Burying your dog at home

The information given is applicable to UK pet home burials. Please check the legalities for your country if you are not based in the UK.

Can I bury my dog at home?

There are few laws or rules regarding UK home pet burial. As long as you own the property (not renting), it has a domestic use and your dog lived there (although quite frankly who is going to check that part), you can bury your pet at home. Please note that this information is correct for the UK. If you live elsewhere you may need to check the legalities for where you live.

The only exception to UK home burial would be if your pet’s remains are considered to be hazardous waste. This seems open to interpretation. If your vet did use this as a reason for your pet not to be allowed home for a burial, ask them for a written explanation.

Also, if you own the property but are worried about what will happen if you move, a home burial may not be your best option.

What do I do if my dog dies at home?

Holding a wake came from the very sensible need to know if a person was really deceased before burying them. The person would be laid out and literally left for a while to see if they would wake up. It sounds strange to us now, but if you are at home with a dying pet it is not necessarily immediately evident when they have passed away. A vet will listen to their heart with a stethoscope and will discreetly check for your pet’s vital signs. But as owners, how can we be sure?

Checking for death

I know it is another dreadful thing to have to think about but you do need to be sure of your pet’s passing before you bury or refrigerate the body. Even vets have been known to get it wrong. It is rare and not something to have nightmares about but here are some signs of death to check for:

  • Check for a pulse or heart beat - place two fingers (not your thumb) lightly on the dog’s chest between/behind the front legs or inside the back legs where the back leg joins the body.
  • Watch and listen for signs of breathing.
  • Check the colour of the gums, which are usually pink when the dog is alive.
  • Finally the start of rigor mortis, where the body becomes stiff, is a sure sign of death.

Don’t feel afraid of making sure of death. It is important. You may even want to call your vet and explain that you would like help determining the death of your pet. Don’t be afraid to do the checks above or to ask for help if you need it.

Preparing your dog's body after death

pet home burial

When your dog has passed away, get a plastic sheet or something else waterproof like a bin bag. This is because bodily fluids can come out of your pet’s body after death and possibly again when moved or handled. On top of that you can put a blanket or towel. Here you can lay your dog’s body on their side, slightly curled up in a sleeping position. This looks more pleasant, makes for easier handling later and positioning in the grave.

Your dog's eyes will probably be open. This is completely natural because all their muscles have relaxed. Please don't worry and there is no need to try to close their eyes.

Should I let my dog see my dead dog?

During this time, if you have any other pets, you may choose to show them the body of their doggie pal. I always feel this can help other dogs or pets in the household to understand that one of their pack has died, rather than wondering where they have gone. Let them see and smell the body and give them as much time as they need, which doesn’t tend to be more than a few sniffs.

How long can you wait to bury a dog?

It is a good idea to wait 2-3 hours after death before burying your pet, to be sure of their demise. Once rigor mortis has set in you can go ahead with the burial.

Sometimes the burial can’t take place right away. Maybe you are waiting for a family member to come home or for a coffin to arrive. If this is the case, it might be an idea to ask your vet if you can use space in their mortuary refrigerator. If this is not possible or if the wait is only for a little while, a cool dark basement or similar place will suffice. You can keep your pet in this way over night, depending on temperature, humidity etc.

How to dig a pet’s grave

Select the position of the grave carefully. It is nice to pick an area of your garden that is pretty or that your dog enjoyed in their lifetime but certain things need to be considered.

Choose a place that is unlikely to need to be excavated in the future (so flower beds are often best avoided unless you plan to put a tree or memorial stone on top) and don’t put a grave in a place that gets boggy or is at risk of flooding. Also, keep the grave site far away from water sources such as wells, ponds, streams etc… Also take care not to disrupt any underground pipes or cables.

To prepare your dog’s grave, measure around your dog to get an idea of the size of grave you need to dig, width and length wise. Depth wise, the grave should be at least 3-4 feet deep. This is for health reasons and also to safeguard against scavengers, other pets from digging up the burial area, or even rain from washing away topsoil and uncovering the grave. Don’t forget a 3 foot deep grave allows for about 2 foot of soil to go back on top.

proper depth of a dog grave for pet home burial

Proper way to bury a dog

What to bury a dog in

Your dog should be buried in something that is breathable and biodegradable like a towel, blanket, wooden, wicker or cardboard coffin.

Avoid making a casket out of anything plastic or that is sealed in an air-tight way. Do not bury your dog in a plastic bag or anything else that is non-breathable and non-biodegradable.

Once the grave is filled you will have a mound of earth that can be piled on top. It will eventually settle in time.

Let the whole family be part of the burial. Writing poems, saying a few words, letting children add letters, drawings and dog toys to the grave can all help.

Finally, to mark your pet’s final resting place you can plant a lovely bush or shrub and/or add a keepsake or pet memorial stone or grave marker. Make it as touching or as simple as you want. There are no rules.

Plan ahead

Try to think in advance about what you want to happen to your pet’s body after their death. Facing their death is upsetting enough without having to suddenly decide what you want to do with their body. I have known people who hadn’t thought about it in advance and made a quick decision at the time of death that they later regretted.

If you know you would like a home burial for your pet, plan ahead. This is especially important if you want to purchase a coffin. The last thing you want to have to do when you are grieving, in shock and up against time is start a search for the perfect coffin for your dog.

I think home burial is a very personal way to deal with a pet’s passing. It is not expensive and you know exactly what has happened to your pet’s body during the entire process, rather than entrusting the handling to someone else.

Finally, many people feel that, once their pet has passed, the body is now simply an unused vehicle from their life on earth. Don’t feel you have to go to any great lengths to care for remains if you don’t want to. We all have different feelings about this. As long as everyone who loved the pet is in agreement with what should happen to the body, that is all that matters.

“The one best place to bury a good dog is in the heart of his master."
Ben Hur Lampman - 1925

Articles of interest

If you are dealing with the emotions of pet loss, you may like to read our Coping With Pet Loss & Grief article.

You may also like to read our article Having Your Dog Put To Sleep - What Actually Happens?

By Jenny Prevel

© D for Dog www.dfordog.co.uk
This article belongs strictly to D for Dog and we do not authorise the copying of all or any part of it.

Caroline Chapman
23 September 2014  |  22:15

Nice sensible, practical article.

My Sister Named Ninyah
14 June 2018  |  20:59

Today was a hard day. 14/06/18
We had to put down our little companion called Ninyah.
She was a great friend.
She was a great source of happiness.

After the doctor put her down at home, i burried her.
It was not as painful as knowing that cancer was getting the best of her.

She had a great soul and struggled hard to survive multiple operations and she survived all of them untill cancer finally won.

She was beautiful and full of joy and she never barked.
She fell asleep on my mothers lap and we loved her untill her last breath. And she will be in my heart untill the day we meet again.

Ninyah my best friend turned 12
Today she became one of the most precious memories in my life.

I loved my little friend and it feels terrible but also very peaceful knowing that she died at home and that we know how she got burried.
We gave her bags of treats and massaged her untill the doctor came to put her down.
And we burried her with all her favorite toys and in my blanket.

You know
When your best friend passes away, the one that was always there for you, it breaks your heart.
But the memories that she left behind are so great, these memories will be cherished forever.

Bye friend

Jeanette Tuffrey
23 September 2018  |  16:18

I lost mylovely jack russell yesterday so heart broken. He was 16 years old. I miss him so much.

Vicki Howard
26 January 2019  |  16:03

I just read your post and I know its been a few months since you lost your little Jack but my heart is breaking for you. I am very close to losing my little jack jack that is why I was on this site. I pray for you and ask that you for me because after 15 years with this little man I don't know what I will do without him.

02 December 2019  |  7:12

Hi, I'm currently on this site in the middle of the night because I fear my dog is also coming close to passing. It's just as you said, I don't know what I would do without my dog Nugget.

Chris Merck
04 May 2021  |  16:38

May sound strange but get another pet. Will perk up old pet and give them another 6 months at least.
This is what happens to many. The dog or cat has no stimulation. Amazing what another animal to pass the time can do. If very old maybe smaller dog than original breed. Will see a younger dog when bring home a puppy.
Much easier also for owner. Will have grief but not as sharp. Since see new life everyday will realize life is a cycle. And your new per represents the future. Just like grandchildren perk up the elderly and they live longer if have to take care of during the day.
Dogs do grieve. People grieve. But, the world brings new birth and new beginnings. Is natural. The circle of life.
We are all part of it. A sad and also a happy fact.

09 July 2023  |  9:52

My heart too is breaking. Tess was put down last Monday and I don’t know how my body can produce so many tears. I adored her. Not very far off her 16th birthday, Tess suddenly, over one weekend, was diagnosed with terminal kidney failure. I’m a widow, the tears are just the same as those shed for John, but I had to watch him die of cancer. Tess came to me as a 5 yr old from wonderful sheep farming friends. She was 5, not the best of Amy’s 8 sheep dogs, by far. “Tess needs one to one Shaena “. And coming home with me, she never looked back. Never barked, was my constant companion even on trips to Spain for whole Winters. Knew what I was going to do before I did it. Never left my side. Beautifully trained by Amy.
How does anyone ever get over this? Her grave is here in my lovely big garden which was hers. I’m in bits. My heart goes out to all of you who have lost your very loved dog.

29 July 2020  |  12:33

you are so lucky to be able to spend 16 long years ! unlike most of us.

David T
17 December 2018  |  18:56

I lost my best friend a German Shepard I got from the rescue 10 yrs ago. She passed away this morning in my arms at home. I don’t know the cause but she was almost 12. She cried while sleeping and she never cries and so I went out to her and her breathing was labored till she stopped breathing. At least she died In my arms at the only home she knows. I’ll miss you Brooke my friend.

14 July 2020  |  8:30

I too have a German Shepard that has been through a lot in the health department. He is now 12 and getting worse day by day. I care for him so much and I think it is time for us to say goodbye. We came to our cottage which he loves and spent many summers at and thinking that our garden here might be the best resting place for our buddy.

Dori Stephen
27 September 2020  |  6:07

I entirely understand how you are feeling. My girl is 13, her birthday was June 29th. Her hips are basically gone but her mind is still very intact. I am 43 years old and today I spent digging a 5 1/2' x 4 1/4' grave that is a tad over 4' deep. Now i am trying to find a good site to show me the best way to build a casket. She (Sahnya) was the last gift my husband gave me before he was killed at work on October 5, 2008. I am trying to keep her comfortable until October 5th as well so they can share their celebration of being together again on the same date. Sounds corny I know but I don't think I can handle anymore "dates". My husband died October 5th. I buried him on the 10th and his 34rd birthday would have been the following day, the 11th of October 💔

Very Sorry for You Grief
04 May 2021  |  16:51

Grief is something no one teaches you about. We have no classes. Grief is a terrible thing and a good thing.
Remembering the love given and received. Missing that person or pet that nothing in the world can replace.
You are not alone in having a pet die. Is a fact of life and the process of death is natural. Learning to grieve with grace and love is the ticket. We love, but must let go and go on.

Have done it myself. Live on a farm. As a farmer have to accept animals will die of various ailments. Helps when have passing of most favorite animal. You never do not remember them. Your heart will always ache for the lost time. But gradually you can move on. Suggest you consider getting another pet. Seeing the life in a new young vexing pet will help the grieving. A really good idea is to get a puppy when other dog gets older because other dog will train your new dog and give new dog confidence. Not all dogs but many times this happens. Then when older dog does pass away do not have to start from square one. The puppy will also give new dog a new lease on life due to suddenly it became more interesting. The puppy will mimic the old dog and go on expeditions with the old dog showing how. The old dog will show the puppy what to do and not do. Much easier than you training the pup. The old dog now has a purpose, to mentor the new generation.
Am speaking from personal experience. Ease the way for your dog and yourself. When it is finally the last day for Fido, then bring him home and bury him in the yard if allowed. So, that puppy who is now x old can realized that old dog has gone to doggy heaven. Then you and new dog may together grieve your old friend.

Be sure if at all possible to let pup know that old dog died. That way pup will not go looking for him.

Loving and old dog and grieving for him or her is the finest tribute you can give.
Want to cry...Read book called, Where the Red Fern Grows. A beautiful love story of a boy and his dogs.

Much condolence to you if your sorrow.

24 January 2024  |  21:41

Hey, please do not feel like you are doing anything but right by your pal...I just lost my little man about a week ago...and I kept him with us untill I had to hurry him ..I made his casket bought the wood screwed it tightly together out hinges in it and a latch lined it all snuggely with baby blue satin silk and made it really cool for him..just like I did things for him in his life..I enjoyed it...because It gave me a Little more time with him. Today I say goodbye to him! As I put my little guy to rest...I am TOTTALLY just heartbroken and it is more than I can take....I wanted to say just make it the best and do what you do and forget what others think it's not for anyone else but YOU AND YOUR PAL..and the family that you shared together ....it's cool if you want to wait wait...they don't care I think it's healthy actually because you take your time to do everything right...you will not look back and think you didn't and you will be happier knowing you did...just wanted to say that...your personal knows that you go the extra mile on everything for him her...why would t you do it untill the very end for them to..they know it's your style with your dog...all the way to the end baby!...
Be blessed and encouraged today!
Sending love

William Hicks
24 June 2022  |  19:01

I lost my baby yesterday he got ran over his name was max and he was 11 months old

William Hicks
24 June 2022  |  19:05

I lost my baby max yesterday he was 11 months old he got ran over by a guy in a truck on purpose and my heart is broken 💔 can't stop crying imiss him so much

31 August 2022  |  8:42

I'm sorry for Max..

Linda R.
25 June 2023  |  7:00

I am so sorry you lost your dear Max. What a horrible thing to happen. I hope your grief has eased a little bit and I hope you believe in the Rainbow Bridge. My vet told me he believes in it and it was such a touching moment before we had to put my Akita mix to sleep. Now here I am again with my Kelpie mix, her hips are almost completely gone and the only way she can walk as if I lift her with a sling. I don't know how much pain she's in but I think it's a lot it's time to let her go. I wasn't expecting this so soon but she is 13. It's not a horrible thing like what you went through, but bad enough when I heard that Kelpies live to be about 16 , but I will say prayers for you and for me and say a prayer for my pretty girl, Zira.

Margaret Coffey
11 February 2024  |  3:21

Thank you for the kind words I just lost my Shih-Tzu, February 5th 2024.I love him so much! His name is Tuffy-Tugball Coffey, he's a Reg. Brindle, very rare. He was 17yrs old Oct28 2007,my heart is broken 💔😥 please Pray for me!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😓😥😭💔💔💔😇😇😇

19 June 2018  |  18:46

I feel so sorry for you

Jeffrey Smith
16 May 2019  |  11:19

I live in the United States, my lil pal was killed yesterday by a car that kept going. It's 3 o lock in the morning here and I'm alone burrying my pal. I wasn't sure exactly what to do, but your info helped me complete my ordeal. I just needed to thank you

Lee Skywalker
23 June 2019  |  10:31

First off, so sorry for your loss. I stumbled on this page after a google search cause I too live in the states & came home to what turned out to be my dog’s last minutes alive. It was 4 in the morning & I also felt alone which made it even worse. But this page did help me too as far as what steps I can take. I hope it helps other people like it helped us, and if anyone else is stumbling on this because their companion has passed I wish you nothing but strength through your difficult times. Tell your pal to say hi to my babygirl Sue in doggy heaven.

13 November 2019  |  9:40

So sorry you were alone x

Ranjan Srivastava
30 June 2019  |  9:51

It is very helpful,sencible,beautifully explained article.

Debra Castro
26 December 2021  |  2:48

my beautiful dog die on 11/24/21 my heart is broken in pieces I cry for hereveryday she was my everthing her name was peanut. I love her so much it hut so much

15 May 2022  |  18:13

I lost my Duch Tulip Hound mix of 18 years last 4/2/21. He died at home and I'm certain the new Vet of 10 days prior have him the wrong antibiotic. I foundy dog in the street in 12/03. He and I were only separated 2xs in 17.5 ys. He was determined by my MD to be a Service Dog, for a physical disability he diagnosed b4 the doctors believed me. Snoop Dogg was my raison d'etre. I mourn him with a pain I've never known b4- and trust me, at 68, I know loss, I've lost everyone close to me beginning at 17, my BFF, other, multiple,suicides. I can't "go get another dog" bc of severe mobility issues. I he e my 20 y/o kitty, the last of 7 pets. I live alone, isolated and self neglect is a problem. I had to convince myself that death,so that I could go find my dog, may not be fruitful. I'd never abandon my kitty who has also mourned our Dogg. He's lost 4 of his mates over these 20 years. I'm dead inside. Isolated, at 68 I understand that no one, esp. the Medical Community, cares about seniors, esp. depressed seniors, immobilized by physical pain.
I want my Boi back. Honestly, I don't want to live without him.

09 July 2022  |  11:47

My heart breaks for you. I’m so so sorry

06 October 2014  |  19:05

Thanks for addressing this emotive subject in such a sensible way.

Cynthia Madrigal
29 March 2015  |  22:12


Mary Rollinson
28 May 2015  |  15:15

This article was a great help at this really stressful time. Thank you.

01 June 2015  |  12:29

This is such a helpful article especially as I have never had to deal with this before - Thank you

19 October 2016  |  14:26

I am 13, and this is my first time to. It is heart breaking

Ana Leah Salazar
27 August 2017  |  18:50

Sweetheart, it is very heartbreaking. Think about your pet who is now in Heaven, no more pain.

03 June 2015  |  12:35

Very helpful and practical article. Thank you.

26 June 2015  |  21:12


Carol A. Pickup
13 July 2015  |  20:08

Thank you so much for this article. It is most helpful as I face this very difficult time.

15 July 2015  |  13:55

Thank you for confirming that it is still ok to bury your dog privately and with dignity..

08 August 2015  |  6:44

thank you so much.

08 August 2015  |  18:58

Thank you for the confirmation we were OK to bury our wee guy at home....

Debra Freeman
27 August 2015  |  13:40

Thank you very much for this article. I needed this to get through this extremely difficult process. I had no idea, what to do before. Thanks again. Very much appreciated.

Roy Wathen
29 September 2015  |  1:20

Thank you! I was beside myself, and calmed quite a bit, after this article. This was just what I needed to know!

25 October 2015  |  17:37

Buried my puppy this morning and wanted some incite. It was a shock to find my 2 month old mastiff puppy on my couch, sleeping till I needed to take him out to go. Unresponsive and lifeless, after being playful hrs prior. Felt he's been sick since receiving him. Tried everything we could, Weekly checkups and changes in diets. It was a big blow to the family, he got lots of love but we buried him with one of his fav toys. Thanks for the inciteful article.

27 October 2015  |  22:35

Thankyou for letting me know i did the correct thing. She was run over and it is nice to know she will be happy where she has gone. It is terrable lossing one of the family.

21 November 2015  |  14:58

when cremation of a dog is it alone or with other dog all cremated at once

D for Dog
21 November 2015  |  15:26

Hi Donna, it can vary from crematorium to crematorium. Most do mass pet cremations i.e. many animals all together but some do them individually or divide them off. So it is definitely a question to ask the crematorium you plan to use. Mass cremations (the most common type) is not something they will necessarily tell you they do unless you specifically ask.

02 January 2019  |  22:07

Depending on the euthanasia service you use, you can have you can get a private single cremation. And you can even be there at the cremation. If you ask for a Private creamation you can even be there. But at least you Know you get just Your Dogs asses back. With what they call a Group cremation, that is supposedly where no ashes are returned.

Devon Bird
20 December 2015  |  18:31

Me and my family thank you so, as our dog died on Christmas eve

Michael Kennedy
04 January 2016  |  1:09

Hard to keep a dry eye to read but need to no very good thanks.

06 January 2016  |  15:37

I so thank you for your insight my dog died this morning he was only 2 years old I didn't know what to do until I googled this article I'm so thankful for you for making me feel a little at ease for bury my dog in the backyard thank you so much and God bless you

06 January 2016  |  16:49

Our Jack Russell passed away on 2nd Jan.2016, one day after her 20th birthday. She is at rest along with our other two mates who went 3& 5 years ago. Despite the age it is sad that she has gone,but is still with us in the garden ( if you understand what I'm getting at.). I was tempted to have her cremated but, after reading that it is not individual, I am glad that she was buried now. Thank you for the advice. It helps with the grieving

23 January 2016  |  18:34

Our little Jack Rusell Toby had help to go to sleep at his home 2 days ago (21st Jan)Arranged with vet for cremation and no ashes returned, as I was in such a state of crying etc etc etc I found it hard to talk without sobbing. I had wanted a garden burial as this is his home but ended up not doing it. After all these years together the thought and actual loss was too much for me and didn't quite think clearly. Just found out today that it's mass cremation and ashes put in a hole in the ground. That thought is too unbearable so I've contacted the vet to arrange singular cremation and the return of Toby to his rightful place, his home. I was informed that this is an extra £70-where has the compassion and love gone, it's all big money now and seemingly little regard for the hurting. I can't stop crying and still unable to move little 'furrybutts' bed or bowls and coming home to an empty house is gut wrenching. I feel sorry for you Murphy as I know how it hurts so deeply.

24 January 2016  |  23:52

I meant to say Toby was 21years....long life for a little dog and your one too. My heart is aching!

25 January 2016  |  0:04

Was informed at 11am today by the vet that Toby was already 'done' on Friday evening after being told he definitely wouldn't be cremated until Monday 25th January or possibly later. I have been feeling sick all day because of all this conflicting information. I was also told it was mass cremation and I can have no ashes and that he's already totally gone. They did said as a 'good will gesture' the crematorium is giving me his cremation certificate with his personal number on it. How heartless is that 'a good will gesture' when your little furrybutt has died. I'm just so beside myself with it all. All I can say is it's a blessing that they don't 'do' people, what a nightmare!

Cameron Diamond
22 January 2016  |  16:06

Reading all your messages helped a lot. I used to find it very odd when people cried about pets. After losing my first ever dog last night i now understand. My dog, Shaggy, was such a happy dog and we could not help but love him. Im still very beaten up by the fact that I dont know why he died since he was his usual cheerfull self the whole. Wish dogs knew how to call for help.

25 January 2016  |  0:24

Our Labrador Coco died in my arms today while my children were playing and my husband out working. She was 11yrs old. She was unwell for a couple of months and getting weaker but I still didn't expect what happened today. We're all very traumatised by her death but I found comfort in knowing we can bury her in our garden. The thought of going into our kitchen every morning and she's not there is harrowing fir me as its only the two of us every day when everyone else is in work/school. Thank you again for this insightful article. Yvonne

21 April 2018  |  0:17

My dog has died today. She is a golden retriever. She also was sick for 2 months went to the vet but still not responding that much to the treatment. It´s heartbreaking because i have always seen my dogs as members of my family not as simple pets. It´s just life...

Lorna Boyd
08 February 2016  |  15:56

Thank you so much for this useful and helpful article. The laws may be different here in California, but your info and considerations are very helpful nonetheless.

Pammie Henderson
09 February 2016  |  16:53

Your article helped me so much. It showed me that you understood how important pets are in our lives and I appreciate the information and I'm better equipped on how to lay my precious Shebba to rest. Thank you so much.

18 April 2016  |  20:01

Thanks for your article. My dog Nakky just died, I never knew I will cry or miss her not until now.

22 April 2016  |  7:50

Many thanks for the article and the lovely words by all of these kind people. Our beautifual Staffie has passed in our arms and is now laid to rest in her own part of the garden that she loved so much. Still undecided as to the long term memorial but love the idea of the rose named BEST FRIEND. Thanks everyone.

Diane Meyer
04 May 2016  |  7:37

This article was so helpful and informative. Our 11 year old Great Pyrenees, Angel Rose, left us today for the Rainbow Bridge, and we are heartbroken, but happy that we could peacefully bury her on our lovely wooded acreage that she so lovingly protected for us. Angel Rose had been declining for the last 18 months due to hip dysplasia, but pain meds kept her with us until she developed a very aggressive cancer very recently. She died in our arms early this evening, and we buried her at sunset, with many tears. Before she left us, she trained our new Great Pyrenees, Mirabelle, to take over watching our Japanese Chin dogs in the Texas countryside. Thanks for helping us know what to do, as we usually cremate the Japanese Chin, but we felt like she would want to be buried in her favorite woods. It gives us peace that she is no longer in pain, and that she has been gently laid to rest. We will keep her in our heart always.

Carol M Ward
08 May 2016  |  21:45

thank you we buried our two nippers at home very tough to do but once over
felt a calmness. tomorrow we have the
awful decision again our rescue rottie
so sudden yet hope she finds the
peace and painfree life in spirit.

21 May 2016  |  2:27

Thank you so much so helpful just had to deal with this

18 July 2016  |  23:00

Thank you so much for the article it help me after losing my dog after 16 years he was suffering and had to be put down and I wanted him to be close to us in our house

Maggie Hussuung
16 August 2016  |  1:01

Our pup Jake was hit and killed in middle of a busy street. A neighbor came by to tell my husband our dog was dead. My husband had to walk down to pick him up and walk back home carrying him. Jake was the happiest, funniest, scrawniest dog you'd ever see. He looked like the Grinch with the way his hair grew. He was the light of our life.
We buried him among the flowers and trees in back. Unfortunately, we didn't dig deep enough and now have to remove him and rebury. We are devastated. Once was difficult enough but to go through it again is overwhelming. He was only 2.
Wish I had read your article sooner.
It will help others do the correct thing.

17 August 2016  |  18:31

This has been very helpful to me. I have always kept my babies at my side after saying goodbye. They will always be with me, in my garden. I have another difficult goodbye to say to my 13 1/2 year old lab. I will miss her dearly, though I can't even think of it without crying. You feel "maybe she'll be better tomorrow". Though I know that is not the case. Friday will be my final farewell to my friend, my baby, my life, my little Nevaeh. I know that she will be happy in the heavens above for sure. She will be her true self, running, playing and jumping. My dad will take very good care of her. She will not be alone when she leaves us. I know that she will have loved ones waiting to meet this wonderful beautiful girl. I will truly miss my baby girl.

30 August 2016  |  2:13

Thank you so much. My Cocker Spaniel just passed today. This was helpful. Definitely putting a drawing I did of 1 of her pups.

19 September 2016  |  2:22

Thank you. You've put my mind at rest. We're saying goodbye to our beautiful Molly tomorrow and want to keep her at so home, so decided to bury her in the back garden.

Your article has reassured me that what we're doing is okay.

Thank you for that.

Deborah Whitton
27 September 2016  |  16:13

Thankyou for this comforting advice-we used it to bury Holly in the back garden this morning-she was an old doggy and when I go over I will go straight to Rainbow bridge and get her back!

Nalina Nagessur
13 October 2016  |  15:38

i just put my beloved baby lion a tiny kitty to rest now I have so much guilt of where I buried her and wanna dig her up and bring her a lay her to rest in our back yard is this a good idea

15 October 2016  |  19:21

We have just buried our beloved cat 4 years old, he is now resting in the garden with our other two cats, we wrapped them up in towels, we still have his brother who misses him terribly but he gives us a great deal of comfort

02 December 2016  |  15:57

Thank you for this article. My little girl passed early this morning. She's now in the garden she loved exploring, underneath an apple tree.

Shauna Griffin
13 January 2017  |  2:10

Thank you for the insight.
One of my dogs is about to be 17 and we know the time is approaching. I have been trying to give some thought to it now when I can think clearly rather then when it happens and I an devastated.
I have another dog , specifically a beagle with an incredible nose on her . She loves the dog in question very much , so I am curious , if we bury him in our backyard , will she sense him and try to dig him up? I would rather avoid something like this happening so I thought I should ask. Thankyou again!

D for Dog
13 January 2017  |  9:25

Hi Shauna, Well done for giving this some thought and getting prepared. I would definitely make sure your beagle gets to see her pal for the last time after he has passed. Dogs do understand death. Seeing the body will definitely help. Also let her attend the burial so she can see where her pal has been laid to rest. Let her investigate things as much as you can at this point. If she wants to jump in and have a sniff even, that's fine. As I say, dog's understand death and she won't do any harm to her pal's body. My dogs have always just wandered off at this point but if they want, I always let my dogs see and join in on the burial. I also bury deeper than the 3-4 feet recommendation. Most of my dogs have been terriers and they have never then tried to dig up or even investigate the finished burial site afterwards. I hope that helps.

16 March 2017  |  19:15

saddest thing is the vet wants to keep treating my 16yr old yorkie costing me fortunes, then to put him to sleep and dispose of his body is another money spinner, our local rspca & pdsa (wirral) r closed due to lack of funding so i cant get an honest appraisal for him i.e. not the best money spinner, poor love, deaf, nearly blind, lost most of his teeth yet on good days he's as spritely as a dog half his age full of energy, it's all so sad

19 April 2017  |  23:15

This was a very helpful artical, all the information I was looking for. I want to thank you for posting it. This has been a dreadful day, and it was much needed info. We lost a big part of our family today, he was 17 years old. I didn't want to take him away from home to die. Thanks again

Jack W
04 May 2017  |  20:55

Thx for the useful site. Am getting ready in one hour to do the hardest thing we have had do in long time, put our precious 7 year old yellow lab to sleep.
After diagnosed with pancreatitis 2 years ago we almost lost her twice, this time its doing her in we cant see her in pain anymore. We love this dog more then life it self, she has made life much more enjoyable and its killing us to have put her down.
Everyone here knows how much you can love a dog thats why your here, godless you all for losing a wonderful friend that we all only get to experience in such a short time in our lives.

Elsie Rowe
19 May 2017  |  21:24

Today we are putting our Bordeaux to sleep at our Vet...Have had her for 8yrs now. She is a Tripod 3 legged due to an accident. Was diagnosed with cancer in the breast. She has had 2 lots of beautiful litter in her lifetime. Just lately her cancer has grown..weight loss can be seen ..very heart wrenching to see her carry herself on 3 legs..Im bringing her home to be buried..Dug her place last week..as this shudve been done then..due to a crisis it was put on hold..She is a lovely dog and will be dearly missed..Thanks for the tips, as i was not sure what to do..We have one of her pups who is 8mths old..so will let her sniff her mum before burial. once again thank you

Patricia Venner
11 June 2017  |  14:14

Thank you for information, had to put my dear little 14 year old jack Russell Ben to sleep today, going to bury him in his wicket basket wrapped up in a wool blanket

Trish Stubbs
12 June 2017  |  18:04

This was so helpful, we are planning for the death of our lovely pet Meg, we know its coming and want to make sure we do the right thing for her. the info about what to wrap her in and that we can bring her home was so helpful.

04 July 2017  |  7:50

Rest in Peace to all of your animals. Thank you for writing this article as it seems to have helped many people. My Scottish Terrier passed away after 12 years. She was the most loving creature. She left me with so many amazing memories. God bless.

13 July 2017  |  6:28

I just put my 15 year old Lhasa Apso to sleep today. he was the best companion anyone could have wished for. He knew his time had come and welcomed it in the end. He passed very peacefuly at my home. I slept with him for two hours on the floor. tonight will be the last time he sleeps by my bed and i will bury him in the morning in my garden in his favorite spot. he was special in many ways and know that we will meet again on the other side. My life has been left with a huge void in his absence. RIP Wee Roscoe ..wait at the rainbow bridge and I will come and get you my faithful friend..You will be missed every day xxxx

D for Dog
13 July 2017  |  8:54

Run free Roscoe xxx

John D Denton Uk
20 August 2017  |  14:25

many thanks for your info knowing im doing things right

14 October 2017  |  22:42

My dog died today and it's raining outside, should I dig the hole and bury him now or how long until we should dig the hole/will he last in the basement?

D for Dog
15 October 2017  |  11:24

I'm sorry for your loss John. With regards your question, there is no harm either way, so it is entirely up to you. I have buried a dog when it is raining, so if you don't mind a bit of rain then go ahead. Alternatively, laying him in a cool place like the basement for a day or maybe even two would be OK too. I wouldn't advise any longer than that and you may like to lay him on a waterproof mat or plastic sheet. If it is really pouring with rain and you feel it may rush or spoil the burial I would put him in the cool basement and wait until tomorrow. One day will not make much of a difference, in a cool environment protected from wild animals like foxes and rats.

20 November 2017  |  5:02

Thank you for this article, my first dog (Lucky) died Nov 18, 2017, 6 1/2 years old, as I type this I am crying so hard to take, as he was hit by a car.

29 March 2018  |  16:40

We are taking our beautiful Elsie to the vets in an hour and a half to be put to sleep. I will miss her so much, but this article is a comfort. It’s such a terrible decision to make - I don’t think I can ever have another dog as it’s so heartbreaking to say goodbye. 💔

29 April 2018  |  14:56

We said goodbye to our beloved nearly 17 year old dog 23 hours ago. The ache in my heart is so real but the love that remained will gain a foothold again.

Debadutta Mohanty
07 May 2018  |  9:15


Richard Striegel
03 June 2018  |  18:20

One of are family dogs passed away wedesday night may 24th 3.40 am.it was terrible watching her go there that pain.i loved that little dog her name is sweepea 4.12 year old toy poodle.it was heart breaking seeing her take those last breaths.i tryed to help everyway i could talking to her many times will she was fighting for her life.but it njust happened she passed.i yelled her name and cryed.i layed out back on the table on the pouch so her little spirit could be free.she liked going on the back pouch and down in the yard.we buried her out back.i know she liked being let out to play back there

20 June 2018  |  19:27

Hi my 4 yr old Burmese cat was run over a few days ago and I buried him under the willow tree next to his friend. I will miss him dreadfully. Far too soon to go - my other cat was 21.

26 June 2018  |  23:34

This was a good article. My cat is 14 & has mouth cancer. I wanted to keep her with me until she passed (if possible) but my life circumstances are forcing me to euthanize her in the next few days. I know she’s not feeling well but .. Anyway, it has to be done. I’m going to take her to the vet. The charge is $60. I wanted to cremate, which is an additional $215!!! I can’t afford that and now that I’ve read these stories I’m not sure I like they way they handle our loved pets. However, I don’t have a nice place to bury her. Well I do have one; it’s at the cemetery where my son is buried. I own the lot next to him where I will be buried when I go. There is a bench that sits on my lot with a 12x12 cement block & white gravel under it. I’m digging the spot there. It’s 10” deep now. I have 2 more early evenings so I will continue to dig as deep as I can. I will place her there, wrapped in a soft cloth and cover it with the flat block. When I leave this world her body will already be a part of the earth but I just know she’ll be waiting on Rainbow Bridge to join me. At least, I hope so. I want to believe I will see all of those I’ve loved & lost: people and pets alike. Good bye Ramona, you’ve been a wonderful companion and I will miss you.

Neal M
29 June 2018  |  7:17

My sweet dog died today, naturally after about 48 hours of going through the dying process. I wrote this to help and after reading this nice article and caring comments I thought I would share it in case it helps anyone else in the future.


12/3/2004 - 6:40pm PST 6/28/2018
Little sweetie died in my arms after I lifted her up to move her back onto her bedding for comfort as she lay breathing rapidly with the end clearly near, as if she was waiting for me to hold her one last time to finally release herself from her suffering. Her breathing simply stopped while she was in my arms and after a moment her head rolled forward onto my arm. Her eyes remained open, and after a few minutes of holding her I tried to close them, but they would not stay shut.
I think it was a final gift of love that she gave me to wait for me to hold her, and perhaps she needed it as well to know that I was there with her and that she was safe for her transition.

She was the sweetest and gentlest creature – a pure joy bringer. I will always love her and will not forget her and her silly ways.
I had prayed for her suffering to end and offered to take her pain upon myself when my time came to die, as I she did not deserve it. If I suffer in the end I need to remember this bargain I made and know it is worth it.

If I failed her in any way I hope she can forgive me. I did the best I could in my condition and always erred on the side of protecting her. I know she would have loved to be around more people as her main joy was giving love and making new friends. I am sure I failed her in that regard. She was full of love and never harmed another living creature, including insects which she would curiously sniff and then walk gently around. I am sure she would have loved to have had puppies when she was younger, and she would have been a wonderful mother.

I am thankful for the gift that she was to my life, and will always be grateful for her.

I buried her body out back in the sandy desert under a tree. I had dug a hole large enough so she would have room and not be scrunched up in anyway. Her body was still wamr and limber as I lay her on her side. I fluffed the sheets thicker under her head so it was like it was on a small pillow. she looked like she was in a peaceful sleeping position with her legs bent in the natural position.. I put a sheet over her and after saying some loving words of gratitude, all of which she had heard before in the final few months of her life, I covered her with the dirt. I wish I had wrapped her body better in the sheets before hand as one of her rear legs became exposed as the dirt was laid upon her. but I didn’t like the manhandling of her body that required. I figure though in the long run it doesn’t really matter as the sheets will rot and she will return to the earth with only her bones remaining. May her body rest in peace undisturbed, and her spirit be eternally free.

Her favorite treats were bananas, sour kombucha scoby, and bread. I wish I had given her more of them.

She suffered more than I wish she had the final year or so of her life as she had a large tumor on her hind near her anus, but she still found joy and peace being with Finn and I, and in the small routines of the day. She was definitely a creature of habit and I was always amused by her predictability in small ways.

The day before her final decline began I found her and Finn laying together, which I hadn’t seen in a while. She was laying on her side and Finn had his head laying gently across her body. I took a photo of it. The next 48 hours as it was clear that she was dying Finn did not bother her and at first it bothered me that he never seemed to visit her as she lay slowly drifting towards death in the dark bathroom where she had retreated to be by herself. But I think they had already said their goodbyes when they laid together that final time and he let her go off alone to be released from her suffering, and honored her by not bothering her.
He did come over and sniff her for a while after she had died, and then retreated from the room.

It has been a few hours now and bed time nears. The apartment feels lonely and I find myself almost heading off to the other rooms to look for her in her usual places when I see she is not out here with Finn and I. Tonight will be hard not hearing her gentle breathing and occasional light snoring, but it will be a relief to now hear her labored death rattles like I heard last night.

I love you Fallon and always will. Goodbye sweet girl. Hopefully you are with Mommy Mina now, your kindred spirit who loved you.

As I find sadness for the loss of her coming into my heart, I am trying to remember her suffering towards the end, and be happy it is over for her. It is not always easy to do, but it helps.

Ruthi Rae
06 July 2018  |  23:14

My beautiful little boy Batley went to sleep yesterday; after 16 years of love, fun, memories & friendship. I knew that it was time to let him go with dignity. I live alone; so after a night trip to the emergency vet hospital I cried all night and finally came to the decision that in the morning we would go back and ease his suffering. I explained all of this to him & he seemed to understand - Bonkers I know; but he seemed so tired and hated the indignity he was suffering; it was like he gave me permission to set him free.
He couldn't stand to pee or get food from his bowl; so I fed him his favourite treats from a plate before we left for our last journey together.
Early in the morning; I dug his grave myself in my garden (almost 4 foot deep), close to grooves in the lawn that he had worn a pathway in over years of walking around the same little route umpteen times a day. I can also see this sunny spot from the conservatory and felt that it would be special for both of us.
I drove him to the vets; stroked and petted him for over half an hour in a private room while we waited and then finally held his little head until he slipped peacefully away. The vet helped me to wrap him in a puppy pad to absorb any leaks; and then snuggled him up in his blankets. We drove home and I laid him to rest a little while on his bed.
Once I had composed myself; I then placed his cushioned bed into the grave along with a selection of his favourite toys before gently lowering him in.
I felt awful shovelling soil onto my best friend; so I just kept my eyes averted. Once complete I knelt and said a prayer for God to keep him safe until we can be together again.
I then came into the house and completely fell apart and sobbed for hours.
This has been the hardest most traumatic thing I have ever had to do; but i knew I owed my little man a dignified end and a comfortable place to rest.
I wish that I'd had someone to help me physically & emotionally; but alas their is nobody and so i just did what had to be done.
The house now feels empty & bare so I sit in the garden where I feel close to him.
I've ordered a little slate headstone and tomorrow will go to get a couple of bags of decorative stones / slate to cover the bare earth that encloses my precious little dog. I'm glad that I have done everything for him myself - I know that he knows I have cared for him untill the absolute end & it has given me closure.
I return to work on Monday & have been able to have 2 days off & a weekend to mourn the loss of my special friend.
He was my favourite hello & the hardest goodbye ever - rest In peace Batley. You are no longer by my side but you will forever have your paw prints in my heart.

I hope that this story helps anyone in the same dreadful position who is not sure which way to go with either euthanasia or burial at home.

Jackie Phillips
02 August 2018  |  3:45

Barried a puppy three weeks ago and now are notiacing a odor what can i do to get rid of the odor

06 August 2018  |  9:06

I do think this article is helpful, but there is one aspect of this subject that was not covered, which I think is hard to talk about, but SO important.... and that is just HOW deep you really need to dig down to ensure that the grave is not disturbed by foxes or other animals. The hole needs to be 2 or 3 feet deep! That is a lot of work but is completely necessary. I have recently been called to help a friend who had buried her beloved dog too shallow and it had been dug up and the body badly disturbed... It was not pleasant... PLEASE DIG DEEP!!!

D for Dog
06 August 2018  |  9:23

That is awful :-( Yes, it is mentioned. From the article above:

Depth wise, the grave should be at least 3-4 feet deep. This is for health reasons and also to safeguard against scavengers, other pets from digging up the burial area, or even rain from washing away topsoil and uncovering the grave. Don’t forget a 3 foot deep grave allows for about 2 foot of soil to go back on top.

24 October 2018  |  0:42

Two comments : one good one very bad: best way to bury an animal at home is to double/triple wrap him in heavy gauge shower curtin liner and seal with heavy roofing tape, the kind that has one shiny side. smell will not penetrate material will not bio degrade good for a life time. Burial will not have to be deep BUT unless you live in an arid area you pet will not stay in the place where buried. Heavy rains will turn the ground to mud and the pet will move many feet from original place of burial. I have many animals buried in the back yard and I just discovered that the wrappings are not where I buried them, I'm trying to determine in what direction they moved. I'm upset that this happened but they are still close by which is important. Don't know if deep burial in some sort of wieghted container will resist movement but if you have buried your guy at home years ago don't think he/she is where you put him her. My animals had about six inches of soil on top of them and in as little as four years the bodies have moved more than four feet.

D for Dog
24 October 2018  |  10:00

Dear Stephen, thank you for your comments. I am afraid that, while your burial method is not illegal, it is not to be advised. Depth wise, the grave should be at least 3-4 feet deep. This is for health reasons and also to safeguard against scavengers digging up the burial area or even rain from washing away topsoil and uncovering the grave. Six inches of topsoil is definitely not a deep enough burial. I'm not sure but that may also be the reason why your pets bodies have moved. Wrapping the pet in waterproof or other non-biodegradable material is also not advised. Fluids and gasses need to escape. If you are going to wrap your pet up, it is best to use a blanket or something else that is biodegradable to allow for natural decomposition. If you do use a plastic bag you should perforate the bag.

28 November 2018  |  3:14

Hardest thing I’ve ever gone thru - seeing my 12 yr old yellow lab slowly deteriorate due to an illness. Only to have his life abruptly cut short due to sudden and painful stomach bloat. Seemed so unfair. As a family we decided to bury him in the back of the yard behind the playscape. We made a headstone for him with a clay paw print I was able to make after he passed. The only concerns I’m thinking of are length from house. He is about 150 feet away. We do not have a well. I have a vegetable garden about 30 feet away. I hadn’t even thought of health risks until I see it mentioned in articles. Should I be worried that he’s too close to where kids play and I plant summer food ? It was as far away as I could go. Though we felt much more closer with a home burial, being that he is such I large dog I hope I made the best choice. Thank you for the article. I’m still in a bit of shock - perhaps I’m overthinking things.

02 January 2019  |  22:18

I buried my furbaby of 20yrs only 10 ft from the foundation of my home in the back yard. I have never had any problem with my garden or flowers around that area.

Margie Williams
19 January 2019  |  2:30

About 6 weeks ago I had to make the decision to let my dog go to heaven he was only 5 years old diabetes it was the hardest thing I have ever done I stood by his side til his last breathe let him know and tell him mama here love ya little guy then brought him home wrap him in a blanket put him in a coffin box and then a trash bag over it tied up buried him in the yard still to this day since he past I go to his grave every morning tell him mama going to work be back later love ya then when i come home from work let him know mama home and every night before I go to bed I go out there and tell him goodnight mama loves ya call me crazy by it I love and miss that little guy

Stanley Melvin
02 May 2019  |  0:47

I just buried my shelter dog of 16 years. I had planned to take her be cremated but the place was 86 miles away. The local landfill said they could bury her and me not wanting her to begin to decay, thought that was the right track. When I got there the place was closed. I roomer her back home and laid her to rest in her home soil. I let her sister say goodbye after I dug the grave and then after a prayer of thanks to God for letting enjoy my baby for 16 years. I covered softly with the ground she has claimed as her home. Other people’s stories on this site compelled me to share and vent my sorrow for my loss. I never had children and Sheba was one of my two fur babies. God rest her soul

01 November 2019  |  16:37

My darling boy is being put to sleep at home on Monday. My heart is broken. I only lost my Dad a few months ago, how do I cope with this?

05 December 2019  |  7:38

Just lost our chihuahua Vogue early hours of this morning to chronic heart disease. I had such a bad feel from the service at Mandeville Hospital in Northolt. Initially when Vogue collapsed, naturally, we rushed her to the hosp on an emergency basis. Cost was not an issue for us but apart from the very first locum who assessed her all other interactions seemed to be pushing us to put her down. The Costs spiralled upwards very quickly and there is little transparency about the costs of treatment, the costs associated with medication the costs associated and charged each time the vet prescribes medication the list just goes on but Vogie's health rallied and we were able to bring her home and happy to pay the thousand charged. Had a second emergency visit more aware of costs this time but you aren't shown the medication your pet is out of sight and if you question...the response from some staff was impatient again the costs spiralled..It was more stressful for Vogue to be left with and handled by strangers this time Vogue suffered brain damage can never be sure if the increased stress to her heart occurred because we left her or because of the CHD. There should be opportunities to stay with your pet... but when you are already fearful of your pets health deteriorating you go with the 'professional's recommendations. It would be nice to get the feel from the professionals involved that they will work to keep your pet alive not be subtly promoting the option for you to put them to sleep and I strongly believe also that you should be allowed to be with your pet. I wouldn't leave a family member alone in a hospital when their health is compromised. 16 years on Vogie is a member of our family. This whole cycle has been stressful so I am pleased she has passed safely at home ... she deteriorated quickly in her house surrounded by everything and everyone that is familiar to her and equally pleased to know that it is okay to bury her in the garden. Have all the details and costs for The hosp to put her down, cremate her, etc etc I would have been mortified if I had found out post cremation that Vogie had been cremated with other animals. So I'm now going to happily pick a spot in our garden and follow the steps to dig a very deep hole wrap her safely and lay her body to rest, blessed to have had her with us have lots of photos.

12 December 2019  |  17:18

Buried my best friend and companion of 13 years today. I had his mum then he came along. The only one of the litter i couldnt bear to part with. Best decision i ever made. I took a break during the grave dig to make a sandwich, still turned round to give him some cheese. Broke me he wasnt sat there patiently waiting.

22 May 2020  |  13:10

Our 16yo Pomeranian passed away in his sleep last night, we're going to bury him under our apple tree that he loved.

Cintia Laurencio
17 September 2020  |  20:31

Thank you for this reading. My dog passed away this morning after suffering so much. He was 15 years old.

Archie Gallo
26 September 2020  |  8:21

I have lived in my home for about 30 years, I have buried so many animals on my property I can’t even count, once upon a time I had two male rotties my neighbor had a female, beighn ignorant we got them together,it just took one time and female got preagnant, time passed and she went into labor the night of the championship fight between Holyfield and mike Tyson me and my wife stayed with her while she was giving birth, it was heartbreaking to hear her wine, anyway she gave birth to 9 puppies we were up all night after she was finished she cleaned them up, we started noticing that one of the pups wasn’t moving,omg we panicked,it was 3:30 in the morning on a Sunday closest 24 hr vet was 30 miles away,we panicked more when the second one stopped moving,omg then they all started diying we didn’t know what to do and the mother was freezing out we thought she would bite us,long story short only one was moving, I ran in house and warmed some milk and blanket and started fires feeding this little guy, anyway out of 9 only one survived that night, so I named him Tyson he lived with us for 12 years till I had to put him down, bad hip problems he was in pain and I knew it,I tell this story because people should know owning a pet is a huge responsibility and heartache,I buried all the little ones in my yard, thru the years I’m guessing I buried at least 15 doggies, I’m still living in my pet cemetery, one day I made a cement slab and engraved all their names on it.its so sad that they only last so long, heartbreaking when u have to part.

23 October 2020  |  8:33

Hi My name is Irene. Just lost a puppy called Teddy. I feel very sad. I have burried him in a box 2ft under. Then put hip of soil on top.
I agree with you that every family is different and has different attachments to pets.

05 November 2020  |  2:59

I’ve just found this article because my Yorkie passed away and I didn’t know what to do. Lisa was truly a bad ass dog. Literally her street name in Brooklyn was “chicken bone”. An original Bushwick Yorkshire. We recently moved to Florida and I have a house I’ll be able to lay her to rest. Reading this entire thread has help me focus on getting through this terrible night. I do find comfort that I was here with her and I was able to hold her as she passed. Rip CHICKENBONE

Tracy Warner
14 March 2021  |  0:11

Just lost our beloved rescue cat. He passed only today and we want to bury him in the garden, we have dug a hole three to four foot deep but have not buried him yet because we though we had to use lime to bury with. Is this necessary or can you bury without it.

D for Dog
14 March 2021  |  10:48

So sorry for your loss Tracy. I don't know a lot about the use of lime in burials and have certainly never used it myself but think it was to slow decomposition and reduce odours and possibly contamination. I have 4 of my doggies buried in my garden (sadly we lost our little terrier, the one in this video, last weekend) and none were buried in lime. I wouldn't hold up your pet's burial.

Buriel for Pet and You
04 May 2021  |  17:05

For those that will eventually get another dog. Hip Dysplasia ways to avoid. Have pup to dog always sleep on a thick cushion. Do not neuter or spay until after 13 months old as hip must have hormones and encapsulate.
Have 13 year old great dane with no hip problems. Do this with all my dogs. Also feed meat and scraps as supplements to dog food.

The best way to deal with dog dying is to find a place and get dog buried. Then add a marker. Can be homemade marker. Good is buried close to area live near. There are pet cemeteries. Then if in you yard go out and grieve. Will do this for 2 to three years. Then can take down marker if need to. You know where your dog is buried. Surprisingly, grieving for your dog is way learn to grieve when your special people die. Same way. Need a place to go that somehow has part of them in it. Will ease grieving for all if people over the years can go back and grieve. Worked for my dogs and my person. Even cremated people or dogs can have a grave site.
Just put some ashes or personal effects in a box and bury it. That can be the grave can go to over the years to mourn your dog. It is very important to have somewhere to go to grieve them. Worth the money. Will find over the years that most of family at different times will go to said place and grieve. Many times you do not even know they went until years later.

Burying my dog today. She was old and sick. Getting ready to go out and dig her grave. Is hard but worth it as this is how you work through grief. Honor your pet as you can. Pets are a gift from God.

Seth & Anna
05 May 2021  |  1:51

~ Fiona Price ~ April 30th 2021 our lives changed forever. Unimaginable to us , the struggle to keep someone we would do anything for , was over.

As a young couple , we formed a small family. Her son , my daughter , around three years old. Both children from previous marriages. We were a start up family , a venture. Anna wanted a pet , a dog.
So the little family grew a member. Enter Bella , a beautiful white and brindle girl. Sold to us as a “puggle”, half beagle and half American Staffordshire is what we got . Extra cute as a pup , she was playful and charismatic. This girl turned out to be a handful. Difficult on a leash in so many predictable and unpredictable ways. But as a runner could never come off the leash. After an injury from a run in with a car(literally) , and after endangering some horseback riders on the beach , that rule was paramount . This is and was , Fiona’s mother , Bella.
During this time of discovering Bella’s breed and behavioral identity , Anna brought home a tiny chihuahua , chocolate brown with a hint of brindle. We couldn’t say no to keeping this little guy. A bit of a 5 pound dictator , we named him Fidel . I call him the coyote spirit , very cute but not over giving of himself. (To anyone besides Anna)
So again the family grew , a tiny bit, and another year passed.
Anna and I had hoped quietly for a baby of our own around this time. But instead , in fall of 2011 , we find ourselves expecting a litter of puppies . From the two foot tall beagle / staffordshire terrier mix Bella, and the five inch tall chihuahua Fidel . Never underestimate the little guy , we had 8 pups . Beautiful vibrant little things , we had to pull mom(Bella) out from under the bed , then created a mini nursery for her and the litter
The puppies ranged from almost pure brindle to almost all white. The runt was black with white paws. Anna had chosen both the parents. And over seven weeks she homed seven puppies. Who was left ? The one puppy Anna would not agree to part with at any stage. So this little jewel, second smallest to the runt, was inducted into our family. White with black spots covering both sets of eyes and ears . We named her Fiona
Fiona was an instant hit with both of us , and the kids. She would lay belly on the ground and flatten her short little legs out around her wiggle and roll , with little grunts . She was 1/4 bully breed , 1/4 beagle , & 1/2 chihuahua . This little one exhibited the absolute best of both her parent’s attributes. Very playful and sweet during her puppy phase, Fiona never destroyed a thing. To this day our family is unable to think of a complaint angling this loving and giving little spirit
After the addition to the family, our little “start up” family was beginning to show merit . There was a new dynamic created by the this little animal family. Something timeless , like a paining . A multifaceted source of joy and abundance. A mother , a father , and a baby
As our kids grew into teenagers , this little animal family was always by our side. Giving purpose and fulfillment where life and circumstance can sometime fall short . Love , unlike beauty , is not so much in the eye of the beholder , but in the nature and spirit of the giver. Like our faithful animals , who give themselves to us so completely. They don’t have little black books , aspirations of leaving the home , messages to check on their phones , laptops , or social media accounts . They wait on us while we live our “other” human lives and while we work for hours and days . Always there , excited for their owners return.
So after a long year of 2020, we finished work on our first house. Leaving our rental home where the puppies were born behind , finally. We were in by Christmas , all family members in our new place. On an acre , the place is comfortable with two large grassy yards. During the months of remodel the three member animal family Bella Fidel and Fiona played in the yard many times and dug plenty of holes . So we settled in with a sense of familiarity.
In March of 2021 Fiona , the baby of our animal family began to show signs of advancing kidney failure. During 2020 Anna and I developed a home cooked nutrition plan for Fidel(papi) and little Fiona. Anna would mix together a protein type(or two) with a vegetable type(or two) and a carb like rice or potato. Add some(vegetable chicken(little w sodium) or bone broth This was an effort to revitalize them after matching severe viral infections , contracted from a rodent .And the “gruel” as we dubbed it , became a happy thing at home , our dogs never in their lives more excited for mealtime . Especially Fiona , who we called “feastie beast”. She was the only one of the three that would allow you to safely put your hand in her face or on her food while eating .
She (Fi as we called her) made it her mission to ward off hidden or unexpected intruders of this type. She would stalk both homes inside and out , searching for threats . I called her “customs agent” Fi after finding her inspecting the loads of belongings we brought over in a Uhaul truck . Sniff sniff sniff.. lol
Anna had been giving Fi meds for nausea to help with appetite , but stopped to ease the poor things kidney deficiencies . All three of our dogs had serious health challenges in the past few years . The chihuahua dad Fidel had pancreatitis , and is the frail one of the bunch. Bella , the mom , had aggression problems , and her behavior almost took her from us more than once. And Bella had other health struggles . Fiona , being the baby of the other two , was a vigorous and shiny haired ball of love . A little bit on the thick side for her size , she always had plenty of softness in her luxurious coat . We always expected Fiona would be the last to go
On March 29th Anna called me to say Fiona was not eating much , and I rushed home from out of town.
We began to give Fi dialysis at home twice daily with fluids from the vet. This little animal , healed so many wounds and bridged those shortcomings of love that we humans tend to leave unanswered. We , as always , hoped the little sweetie would bounce back . In fact we all believed she would , as we had been through this successfully before , at the end of 2019. We would do anything for these animals , but Fiona was the most giving
On evening of April 26th I walked Fi and noticed she was losing muscle tone . Ann’s had been struggling to get Fi to eat, and to hold food down. She tried every reasonable food . This was hard on all of us because Fi is a BIG eater . Next day the 27th , Anna noticed something and asked me to stay home and be with Fiona the next day because she was having a hard time.
I did stay home , thank goodness, Fiona was entering the final stage. I was still naïve to the critical state she was in until mid day on Wednesday the 28th when I took her out to potty in the back yard. The poor baby , who had always been so strong, could barely compose her motor functions . That’s when I noticed she had no energy , and a tired look in her eyes . She waited at the step to our back deck for me to help her up . I carried her in and took her to the water bowl and she drank. And then I laid her down on the couch and sat with her until mom(Anna) got home from work. This was alarming and painful to see , and yet I was still naïve to the ultimate consequences these symptoms were evidence of. Anna and I were up with Fi a few times that night for uneasy potty trips in the back yard . The poor girl was vomiting on every potty trip , always trying her best not to make a mess in the house or bed. She always wanted to please us , never willing burden us .
I guess as an owner(dad) of a beautiful and selfless being like Fiona , I never thought something so reassuring and fulfilling in life could escape me . At least not without plenty of notice , and surely it would fall some predictable order.
The next day , Thursday the 29th, Anna took the day off work . Fiona was nearly immobile, being carried to and fro around the house and to potty. Anna was desperately trying to feed her. Cooking a little bit of several things trying to find something Fi could stomach. This woman cared for Fiona like the best mom in the world , nursing her and cooking for her through busy days and tired evenings relentlessly. Like a mother would her daughter, always gauging the innocent ones needs lovingly ; happily .
The poor thing , between waking to vomit , would lie peacefully next to one of us and do little snorts we had co e to know as her doggie language . Her love language , all she had energy for . Before her dialysis treatment daddy Fiona cleared her eyes and looked at me so very intently and I said to Anna she just asked me what would happen for her if she could not hold on. I instantly recognize the deep , soul involved concern and got Anna‘s attention . I then told Fiona yes baby “yes daddy will be there as soon as he can” “ don’t you worry sweetheart I will never stop until I find you . Anna, who is rarely outwardly emotional in this way , cried briefly as she agreed with my assessment of Fiona’s long stare into my eyes
That night as I woke to Anna Taking Fiona out side every time she got up which was at 1 in the morning, at 3 in the morning and again at six in the morning. What I didn’t realize and I was also lying awake with her while Fiona made attempts to use her little love language of snorts to say goodbye to both of us . And I described her wiggling her way to me and resting and snorting and then wiggling her way back to her mom. Each time resting long enough to get enough energy to make a few snorts, which we believe to be her loving goodbyes and her final desires she was trying to convey.
Fiona survived the night .Anna must have been completely exhausted, and still managed to prepare herself for work that Friday morning (April 30th) She cooked for Fiona , we gave her a water(dialysis) treatment in bed .
Anna left at 8:30 a.m. with Fiona laying next to me and said bye to both of us.
Little Fi woke me maybe 25 minutes later , she needed to vomit water up . I propped her up , but after vomiting she was struggling so I tried to pick her up . She grimaced for the first time , as if it was hard on her so I payed back down and laid her on my chest , on her side. (She’s pretty dainty , and fits well there) She began to breathe fast. I thought she was trying to catch her breath , so I was petting her and telling her it’s OK baby and making a few promises to her because I was in fear.
I noticed a slight change in her breathing, and that her legs were pushing straight out , just li,e a dog who doesn't want to leave the house, and is resisting with their legs and feet. That worried me and for a few seconds I tried to massage her arms and shoulders. This is when , my precious little companion all at once yawned the biggest yawn of her life , then relaxed on my chest and breathed out a sigh of relief . This was her last breath . There was a brief magnetic feeling , similar to the “butterflies” , but lighter. I couldn’t tell if that was the feeling of her leaving , or maybe it was her spirit joining mine in a way . But it was Not something I had experienced before
Although not completely certain, I knew what had happened. I did not want to accept it , So after a moment of rest and listening for sounds. I stood up with her, Speaking words of love and kindness. Part of me hopes by standing I would reactivate her breathing, but part of me knew that she had carried herself far beyond where we could ask her to get a final act of love and commitment never willing to let go of her family. She devoted herself to us completely she was our protector and our companion and she was our baby when we did not have one of our own together
Feel I used to go from room to room checking in on everyone in her family spending a couple hours here in a couple hours they’re keeping everyone united with her love in the middle. She was born in my hands and never knew anything but the milk of her mother and the food that we fed her . She was a little and socialize because she never left home other than for walks and vacations. No never took to formal training or doggy daycare
But she functioned in our family as no human being could. And her little warm delightful animal body was a delivery mechanism like no other . She brought a tangible form of love and dedication and closeness that are truly hard to find and maintain between humans. Pure , unconditional love .
What hurts the most is that she is so irreplaceable . The battle for her health was the fight of our lives and the best thing we had to fight for. I hope that that little soul of pure love and protection knows that she utterly captured our hearts permanently . That nothing will ever fill her place . And that none of her giving our love will ever be forgotten . But will always be in our hearts , remembered and missed.
And borrowed from articles previous tenants I must say that beautiful wine that baby Fiona wait for us you beautiful little girl for your family is holding you dear to their heart and waiting for the day That they may come and find you and scoop you up and re-join with her , our irreplaceable companion , our source of unadulterated and tangible , squeezable , kissable , love

To all the former owners who had to lay one of their animal family companions down. Remember to hold them in your heart for a giving spirit is not just giving in life , but eternally

To the creator of this website and the article that started this line of stories and experiences, I thank you dearly
Your thoughtful and practical arrangement of advice Helped me pull myself up by the bootstraps on one of the hardest , if not the hardest day in my life.
Anna my partner had never lost anyone in her life. Not a close pet , or person ever. So at 9 AM when Fiona gave up the ghost I knew it would be several hours before she returned from work . I could not call her at work and tell her what happened then after the night she had just been through with our struggling loved one.
By chance I came across this article in an effort to find information on how to properly handle the situation I was in . We were not prepared for this , nothing was arranged or prepared. There were many things I found reassuring in the above article . It was presented carefully , to many grieving pet owners benefit.
Although tough subjects I found it very useful to encourage our pet to relax into a natural sleeping position. This was a big concern of mine because I didn’t want to shock Anna my partner who had never lost anyone or any pet before, any more than coming home to find the battle was over. It would be painful , and could be traumatizing depending on reception .
After reading the article I was more equipped for presentation of her body to my partner Anna . Then I read on to find good advice about where to position a grave . The lists of what you can and can’t use for containing your pets body before and during burial helped me not make a rushed decision.
I did carry my baby around the house for a few minutes over my shoulder like I used to carry her around anytime she was tired as if she was an infant . I said many thanks, reassurances , and loves . Remembering the possibility that she was still in the room looking down on us. Final kisses and hugs as she was still soft and warm, then I cleaned her up a bit gently. Wrappers her in a blanket of ours she loved , and rested her into a small round dog bed and encouraged her eyes to close . She was at rest as if she was sleeping . Her ears stayed up as they had many times when she was napping I had been carrying her around the day before in the same bed talking to her about How much she had done for family and how great she was . And that we belong to her always
I was able to use some lumber left from our house remodel to build a wooden box for Fiona , while she rested and watched me from a careful position on a futon mattress in the garage . I was talking to her the whole time and this was a healing cognitive time while we waited for mom to come home.
I was inside waiting on the couch with Fiona in her bed resting and had began to collect a few things that I wanted to bury her with my main concern was receiving my partner as gently as possible as she returns from work. Anna came in the door in such a hurry to find out how her baby was doing. Ready to comfort her , and I had to say as she was looking at me , “Baby , she passed”
Hardest words I’ve ever said to her and I feared for her heart . After all the work she had done to keep Fiona going for weeks and months. After bringing her back to full health in the past through a similar ordeal , it was finally over. We lost our baby
Thank goodness I was able to present Fiona Innoway were and I could look at her and see her just sleeping there peacefully . I think the writer of this article for that . Anna crumpled into me in the loudest cry I’ve ever heard from her in over 12 years together . I never felt her so hurt . She’s a strong woman . We cried together for several minutes . Anna was rattled not knowing if we were going to take her somewhere for cremation . It was somewhat comforting to be able to present her with the box built specifically for Fiona . And that I had already picked a place in the backyard for her burial site, right underneath Ana’ and that I had already picked a place in the backyard for her burial site, right underneath our son’s window . She would always visit him occasionally in the night. Always checking on everybody not for herself but to keep everyone happy with her love
And then I use a few different markers to write Fiona’s name on top of the box along with all of her nicknames else on the side of the road messages to her about how he felt for her and that she would not be forgotten and that we would look for h and then I use a few different markers to write Fiona‘s name on top of the box along with all of her nicknames hands on the sides we wrote our love messages to her
Fiona had many given names in her 9 and a half years . Fiona was Fi , Fi biscuit , Fi beast , feasty beast , sugar bear , super Fi , scoots , scooter and several more . All signs of endearment

Wait for us baby ,Fiona , we will wait all our lives to find you . We will love and miss you every day. You will remain in our hearts , and in our spirits . Hugs and kisses forever Fi Can’t wait to see You over the rainbow bridge wait for us there our dear loving baby . We will come for you

Thank you God bless everyone who is going through the loss of an animal love one for they can show us love that we are unable to show each other in so many ways . They Give of themselves completely god bless them
I just hope that doggy heaven and people heaven are accessible together
Rest In Peace Fiona
My little hero and soul companion . I can’t wait to have you at my side again I Love you always baby, Daddy

Susan Biggs
02 June 2022  |  14:06

A very interesting article, thank you.

Jim Kiekens
17 October 2022  |  1:35

Very thoughtful - Very helpful - thank you :)

Hala Femian
22 October 2022  |  11:25

I lost my Almost 10 year old German Shepherd yesterday . I’m devastated but what is really killing me is that he passed away alone when there was only my mother and the cleaning lady. The rest of us were not at home. I just wonder if he was scared, if he felt alone and needed us. My son and I are devastated as we feel that we were not there for him when he needed us the most and it is just so hard to take.

01 November 2022  |  20:11

I lost my beloved Halo at 11yrs today and reading these messages has really helped me, thank you. I live alone and although friends have rang me all day and one called round, only doggie people can really know what this is like. She was a mix of lab and doberman and the most graceful, sweetest, and powerful, creature ever. It was so shocking because I didn't realise how sick she really was until it was too late. She had a uterine infection and passed away within hours of it dawning on me. I have been crying all day and going around with 'what ifs'. She always went down after a heat cycle, not eating for a few days and more subdued. But this went on too long and I was so busy with a work thing and having just moved house so wasn't really paying attention to the amount of days. This year she has had the most magnificent health of her whole life and it just never occurred to me she could die. I was so wrong. Death is always standing right next to us. I took her health for granted and, although I do believe we go when it's our time, I want to learn this lesson deeply so I can look after my other dog better.
Her companion, Mighty, is 11yrs too - a springer collie mix. A totally different character, full of fun and adventure. We haven't buried her yet but I know it's going to really hit him when we do. We will walk up into the mountain in the morning and I will dig a hole and he will see her in it. God help us. She was an angel if ever there was one. A perfect dog.
Thanks for listening. Please pray for us.

30 January 2023  |  5:49

Thanks for your help my dog got hit by a car and died. I'm having a hard time getting through this

30 January 2023  |  5:50

I miss my baby boy

13 April 2023  |  2:51

First I would like to say to all I'm so very sorry for the loss of your fur babies and I hope they are all over the Rainbow Bridge having the best time of their lives ❤️ 💙 🙏. Our boy Camo is my everything he's a Catahoula leopard we rescued almost 12 years ago he was around 4 months old, or should I say he rescued me . This week has been the hardest I have ever had , tomorrow we are putting our boy to rest . He has rectal cancer and has now started get to where he can't potty and is hurting and I can't let him hurt. I have done nothing but cry at home at work every where, I can't stop . I feel lost . I don't know how to live without him .

Jay Nash
14 April 2023  |  15:58

We have a few dogs and one passed yesterday morning out of the blue, she was a firecracker and smallest of the babies. I'm not sure what happened and will probably never know bc of how quick she went down. I feat it was a tick and it's killing me bc they don't even go outside, they have their special room to pee n poop and it's absolutely killing me.. I'm a combat veteran who has lost friends, family and nothing hurts as bad as this. These babies have honestly saved my life and I don't understand how she's gone at only 4 yrrs old. I miss her so much already, she never wanted a ball or any toys, I'd come home and she wanted my socks so I'd give them all to her and know I have 12 pair with hokes in them but no baby to give them too.. Rip Shadow Stick, I

Tommy Dunne
27 June 2023  |  20:51

My dog (and best friend) passed away a few years ago and I couldn't bring myself to watch him be buried. A few years have passed and I still can't stop thinking about how I was not there for him.